Business Health Check Do you understand which areas of your business you should dedicate your energy to? We can work with you to provide insight into areas of your business that need attention so you can accelerate your business growth and target areas that need more...
The Trusts Act 2019 came into force on 30 January 2021 – your Trust must now be compliant with the new Act. The aim is to make the law more accessible and easier to understand. Most of the changes relate to Trustee obligations and strengthening the ability of...
How does GST work in my business? In the normal course of your business, you charge GST in your sales and income and claim it back on your purchases and expenses. You then calculate the difference in your GST return to work out if you owe GST to Inland Revenue or if...
Is it only PAYE that’s deducted when I do the wages? PAYE includes income tax and ACC earners’ levy. Depending on each employee’s situation, you may also deduct child support and/or student loan repayments. Occasionally Inland Revenue may notify you of additional...
If you provide a gift to a client, depending on the type of gift, you may be able to claim a tax deduction. It may be completely deductible or only 50% deductible.If the gift is in the nature of ‘entertainment’, such as food and wine, it will be 50% deductible. If...